Youth Retreat @SeaLife Center in Seward

Grades 6th-12th

What: Overnight Retreat @SeaLife Center

When: October 18-19th (no school on Friday, 10/18)

Who: 6-12th Graders (friends are welcome!)

Cost: $95/student (*full scholarships available) (Payment method TBD)

Deadline to register is Sunday, October 6th.

Lutheran youth from across the Alaska Synod are coming together a fun event! We will spend the evening with some worship and devotional time at the SeaLife Center followed by fun programming with the staff at the center. Then we will sleep overnight at the SeaLife center surrounded by sea animals! 

The cost for this event covers registration and meals. If cost is prohibitive, please let Pastor Sean know. Full scholarships are available with no questions asked.

More details are forthcoming as we near the event date.



If you are interested in being an adult leader, please let Pastor Sean know. We will need at least 1 other adult leader to transport students. The other adult leader is welcome but is not required to participate in programming or stay at the SeaLife center as there will be enough Pastors and Deacons to supervise and facilitate programming. There is NO COST for adult leaders.

Student Information

Parent Information